Crimean Ethnographic Museum (department of the Crimean Republican Museum of Local Lore)              2004
Director: Grigorieva Lubov Ivanovna
Address: 95000, Simferopol, str. Pushkina, 18
Telephone: (38-0652) 25-52-23
Telephone (home): (38-0652) 25 -54 -42
The Museum was founded in 1993.
The exposition was opened on April, 22 1999.
National-cultural Associations of Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Reference allowance, issue I, Simferopol, "Tavrida", 1999

    The value and significance of people's culture is wildly acknowledged. There is a wide range of ethnographical museums and museums on the open air. Ethnographical museums are the part of the cultural heritage of a state. Crimean republican museum is one of them.
    Today the museum funds has more than 3 thousands of exhibits (basic fund - 2420, and scientific-auxiliary - 580).
    The museum employees conduct an active collective, exhibit and scientific-research work. In the period of 1993-1999 during the search work about 4 thousands of exhibits were found and purchased that characterize traditional culture of peoples and ethnic groups of Crimea (their agriculture activity, material and spiritual culture, various photo shots, historical things)- (3 thousands of which are kept in funds of the museum, 1 thousand needs the later work).
    Expeditions organized by specialists of museum visited more than 1000 villages of Crimea and also in Donetsk, Kherson regions and Armenia. All these allowed to conduct ethnographical investigations with the purpose of preparation for the later expeditions.
    By the staff of the museum there were created 15 permanent and a number of mobil exhibitions that were exhibited in Crimean museums (Simferopol, Alushta, Saki, Feodosia) during holidays and festivals of the national-cultural societies, different conferences, seminars and colleagues.
    In town and regions a number of exhibitions "Slavyansky Pattern" and "Crimean Motives" are held.
    Since the first days of its existence Ethnographic museum closely cooperates with the national-cultural societies of Crimea. The popularization of national cultures is conducted through Mass Media. One of the directions of their joint activity is search of people - carriers of traditional mode of life and also collection of exhibits. In 1995 the real decoration of the national cultures festival that took place in Simferopol has become the exhibition "They Lived Nearby". For the first time the exhibits that characterized material and spiritual culture of 12 peoples and ethnical groups: Armenians, Byelorussians, Bulgarians, Greeks, Jews, Karaims, Crimean Tatars, Krymchaks, Germans, Russians, Ukrainians Czechs were shown.
    The observation of the topic "Multinational Culture of Crimea" was the distinguishing feature of the exposition of Autonomous Republic of Crimea in Kiev in 1996 that was dedicated to the 5 year anniversary of Independence of Ukraine.
    On the base of Crimean ethnographical museum the Crimean Association of ethnologists was registered in the frames of International association of ethnologists.
    The main purpose of Crimean Ethnographic museum -creation of the wholerange exhibition in which the traditional culture of peoples and ethnic groups of Crimea would be reflected. The staff of the museum has invented the concept of museum and its increased item structure, the problems of decoration of the main exposition are decided.


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